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Analysis of biodiversity integration into sectoral public policies

Altai supported the IUCN and WWF-France teams in Phase 2 of the BIODEV2030 project, through an in-depth analysis of the integration of biodiversity into the sectoral public policies of its 15 implementing countries. Altai produced: i ) A series of “Public policy and biodiversity conservation” analyses designed to fuel dialogue within the national multi-stakeholder platforms supported by BIODEV2030, with a view to encouraging the adoption of production practices that are less damaging to biodiversity. ; ii) Two video guides to using these analyses (FR & EN) ; iii) A cross-cutting analysis report covering all 15 countries and all priority sectors of activity, which identifies and presents suggestions for action on priority public policies, as well as a set of experiences of successful and unsuccessful reforms of public policy instruments, and the associated success factors and challenges.

Analysis of biodiversity integration into sectoral public policies
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