A Norms and Behaviour Change Campaign Targeting
Employers of Child Domestic Workers in Ethiopia
The Freedom Fund commissioned Altai Consulting to deliver an impact evaluation of a normative and behavioural change campaign in Ethiopia aimed at shifting norms and behaviours towards child domestic workers (CDWs) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The campaign targeted employers of child domestic workers (CDWs) with a focus on raising awareness of, and improving, working and living conditions for CDWs. The evaluation consisted of a representative baseline survey completed in 2021 and an endline survey in 2023 that were delivered in selected sub districts of Addis Ababa targeted by the campaign. The survey measured respondents exposure to the campaign and any normative shifts from baseline and endline in attitudes and perceptions around behaviours towards CDWs in the wider community. The study found that between the baseline and the endline the campaign had a positive impact in increasing awareness of CDWs rights and found some positive shifts in norms and behaviours towards CDWs in the targeted communities, for example improved working hours, more positive perceptions about access to education for CDWs, and better understanding of the legal rights of CDWs.